HARPS #7: Poetry


O Little Child

O little child,

Look up above

to the one

who made the skies

and heaven above,

to the one

who made you

and knows you

by name–

you are unique

and precious

to Him.

He who made the skies

made the stars too

and all that shines

in the night sky.

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You imperfections–what sets you apart,

They help

to make you

what you are

a child of God.

Keep this near

dear to your heart,

O little child.

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I wrote this when thinking how so many feel unwanted and unloved. God’s love reaches to all no matter how poor, how miserable, how sad, and how sinful. This poem is to everyone who ever feels unloved or unappreciated. The stars inspired to write and remember His omnipotence and far reaching control of all things, even when our lives feel out of control.









Did this touch you? Let me know and we’ll chat ❤

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P.S. The poem is original of me. DO NOT STEAL!

Team Bumblebee


HARP’s Point Total: 3 (per post)  + 2 (Little Challenge: Dedicate the post to someone) + 4 (2 per photo) + 2 (Little Challenge: Make your own GIF) = 11 points

Hosted by Starling

See the previous post here.


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