HARPS # 3: Free Topic

Guess what? Are you guessing?

IT’S MAY 4 AKA STAR WARS DAY! *Star Wars theme plays*

I love Star Wars (sorry Star Trek) and it’s getting better.

Image result for star wars meme
Thanks Google!

I can’t wait for the Solo movie  and Star Wars Episode IX to come out. What do you guys think of Kylo Ren? I’m very confused by his character and his decisions. Though, after killing Han Solo, and then trying to convince Rey to switch to the dark side, I’m less and less convinced. He did kill Snoke though. *hmmm*

Favorites, anyone?

Leia is awesome! She almost became a Jedi, led the Rebel Alliance, was in the government for a while, married a smuggler/gambler/adventurer/risk-taker named Han Solo, and united the Resistance. Rey is probably one of my favorite characters. It’s hard not to root for her. She overcame her miserable existence on a deserted planet, became a Resistance hero, and is becoming a Jedi. I wish I could be a Jedi…then again I also wish I went to Hogwarts…lived in Narnia…*talks to myself: back to the subject, Gaby!*

According to this test, I’m most like Leia Organa (oh and my little sister is like Rey). Take the test! Let me know who you are in the comments.

Check out Bekah’s awesome post about Star Wars memes!

photo 2
In a galaxy far, far, away, the Resistance shines in the darkness of the evil Empire. (me trying to be philosophical)

signature 2





P.S. New signature!! Well, I’ll be using this and the other one simultaneously. Which one do you like better?

Team Bumblebee


HARP’s Point Total: 3 (per post) + 2 (Little Challenge) + 2 (2 per photo) = 7 points

Hosted by Starling

See the previous post here.

12 thoughts on “HARPS # 3: Free Topic

  1. i low key like Kylo Ren’s character haha. (I hate the actor though lol *whispers* he…can’t….act……….)
    and that meme is truth. right there. XD
    (Also, apparently I’m Poe Dameron. *grin* I’m happy ;P )


  2. I just took the quiz and got Rose Tico, haha! Happy belated Star Wars day to you! I had fun making the ‘force be with you’ pun to my family that day lol


  3. Happy (kinda late) Star Wars Day to you! I heart Star Wars, it’s been quite a while since I got in the fandom. For some reason I cannot help but believe Kylo’s a good guy?? No matter how many bad things he does??
    Leia’s great, but I think my favourite is Solo. Although the grandpa version of Luke is awesome too. 😁

    Liked by 1 person

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